Gmail 的过滤技巧

Gmail 的邮件过滤技巧。

  • from 发件人
    • from:amy OR from:david
  • to 收件人
  • subject 主题
  • or | {}
    • from:amy OR from:david
    • {from:amy from:david}
    • 从结果中排除邮件
    • dinner -movie
  • AROUND 时间范围
    • dinner around 5 friday 前后 5 天
  • Label (标记)
    • Label:important
    • social | updates | forums | promotions | invoice
  • Has 具有某个特征
    • Has:attachment
    • Has:drive | document | spreadsheet | presentation | youtube
    • Has: yellow-star | blue-info | purple-star
    • has:nouserlabels
    • has:userlabels
  • List
  • Filename 文件名
    • Filename:pdf
  • “”
    • “dinner and movie tonight”
  • ()
    • subject:(dinner movie)
  • In
    • In:anywhere — 包括垃圾邮件和已删除邮件
  • is
    • Is: important | starred | snoozed | unread | read
    • is:chat
  • Cc
    • Cc:david
  • Bcc
  • After | before | older| newer
    • after:2004/04/16
  • older_than | newer_than
    • newer_than:2d
  • deliveredto
  • category
    • category:updates
  • size
    • size:1000000
  • larger | smaller
    • larger:10M
    • 完全匹配
    • +unicorn. - 完全匹配某字
  • label
  • Is
    • Unread
    • Archieve
  • In
    • Starred
    • Drafts
    • Chat
  • From
    • 发件人
    • from:Boss_Name subject:(Urgent OR Important)
  • to
    • 收件邮箱
  • filename
    • 附件的种类
    • before:2007/08/15 wordpress
  • before|after
    • 某段时间之前 | 之后,格式 YYYY/MM/DD
  • 其它
    • has:attachment